Prime Minister Narendra Modi voiced his unease on Sunday regarding the growing trend of “big families” organizing weddings overseas. He encouraged individuals to opt for hosting such celebrations within India to prevent the outflow of the country’s funds. During his Mann Ki Baat radio broadcast, PM Modi stressed the importance of exclusively choosing products made in India when shopping for weddings.
“The wedding season as well has commenced now. Some trade organisations estimate that there could be a business of around ₹ 5 lakh crore during this wedding season. While shopping for weddings, all of you should give importance to products made in India only,” he said.
“And yes, since the topic of marriage has come up, one thing has been troubling me off and on for a long time… and if I don’t open up my heart’s pain to my family members, who else do I do it with? Just ponder… these days a new milieu is being created by some families to go abroad and conduct weddings. Is this at all necessary?” PM Modi said.